Check here for solutions to common problems.

Symptom: after installing Design Manager on a new workstation the list of users at login and the document data is incorrect or missing.
Reason: this happens because the incorrect folder has been selected as the data directory when installing. The default is C:\desman\data. If you are not sure what the setting should be either ask your I.T. department or look at another workstation for the setting.
Solution: Either re-install using the correct setting for Data Directory or use the Database Maintenance App. to change the path. This can be found on the General tab of the App.

Symptom: Design Manager reports that the version of AutoCAD has not been tested and will not open drawings.
Solution: Obtain a later version of Design Manager

Symptom: Design Manager will not open AutoCAD.
Reason: The settings for the DWG drawing type are incorrect.
Solution: Use Options>Properties>Application to change the settings. Select DWG from the top left drop down and check that the Application path points to the current version of AutoCAD.

Symptom: Design Manager opens AutoCAD but the selected drawing does not load.
Reason: The settings for the DWG drawing type are incorrect.
Solution: in Options>Properties>Application select the DWG document type from the top left drop down. Check that the Application Caption is as shown in the AutoCAD title bar. Check that the OLE Object is correct for the version of AutoCAD in use. AutoCAD.Application usually works but may need the addition of an internal AutoCAD version number. for AutoCAD 2025 AutoCAD.Application.25 is the correct setting. If using AutoCAD LT a common problem is not selecting the correct Application Name which should be AutoCAD LT 2000. Check here for a screenshot of typical LT settings.

Symptom: Design Manager fails to run error messages are often displayed concerning access to data.
Reason: the most common reason is user rights.
Solution: try logging on to the workstation as an Administrator, if this solves the problem then the user has insufficient rights to either the local Design Manager folder (usually C:\desman) or the database folder. Try turning off User Access Control (UAC) to see if this solves the problem.
Due to a problem with Windows Server making a user a member of a group with “full Control” of the database folder is often not sufficient. Explicitly give each user “Full Control” of the folder.
If using Windows 7, 8 or 10 use the compatibility settings to run both Design Manager and the application (AutoCAD) as Administrator. to do this right click on the Design Manager icon, choose Properties and then the Compatibility tab, select Run as Administrator.
Note: sometimes using Run as Administrator causes 'File does not Exist' messages in Design Manager.


Symptom: My workspace shows duplicates of document details.
Reason: the index is corrupted.
Solution: use Active>De-Activate All from the drop down menus, you will loose all the entries but the index will be re-built and you can then add them back.

Important: make sure you have a backup of your data before carrying out the following.
Symptom: issue details such a Workflow or revision number become incorrect.
Reason: incorrect data entry or working with Issue Control Off.
Solution: if not already present create a user named "workflow" and give the user all rights. Log out of Design Manager and log back in as "workflow". On the In Progress dialog three data entry boxes will now be visible, with these you can change the Workflow, Issue type and previous Issue.

If you want to delete a modification a Delete button is also now visible on the Change dialog. Note that this will not revert to a previous issue (Use the Delete on the Document toolbar for this) but will take out a modification that has not been properly recorded in the database. This can happen if two people try to make a modification at the same time when Issue control is Off.

Symptom: the data on the record card does not match that is the search list.
Reason: the database index is corrupted.
Solution: re-index the database, ensure all users have logged out of Design Manager then go to Options>Properties>Database Maintenance and press the Re-Index button. The Database Maintenance App. can also be used to Re-Index. Many database problems and speed issues are index related, re-indexing should be done on a regular basis.

Symptom: Placing components in Inventor fails or does not insert correct part
Reason: This is a user rights issue.
Solution: If using Windows 7, 8 or 10 use the compatibility settings to run both Design Manager and the application (AutoCAD) as Administrator. to do this right click on the Design Manager icon, choose Properties and then the Compatibility tab, select Run as Administrator.